
How do you calm a fussy baby? With The Imperial March, of course

Watch how these parents use the Imperial March as a mind trick to stop their crying Jedi.

How do you calm a fussy baby? With The Imperial March, of course

Soothe your baby, it will. And by "it," we mean The Imperial March from Star Wars .

These two parents discover that The Force tops all lullabies!  The caption on the video says "I figured out the Imperial March calms my son when he is crying. #parentingdoneright"

He couldn't be more accurate—we salute you!

The video starts off with a crying Jedi-in-the-making, but only until he hears the march begin. Watch this adorable little guy go from fussy to being in total awe.

The Force is strong with this one—he'll be playing with lightsabers in no time. Just don't go to the Dark Side, little one!


Read more: Throw a Star Wars Party> 50 awesome Star Wars toys> Watch the cutest babies react to new Star Wars trailer>

This article was originally published on Jan 11, 2016

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