
Hey, I just met you. But it's not crazy. Cause I'm a mother. Feeding my baby.

Students at St. Francis Xavier turned Carly Rae Jepsen's catchy tune "Call Me Maybe" into a song about breastfeeding. And it's brilliant.

Hey, I just met you. But it's not crazy. Cause I'm a mother. Feeding my baby.

There have been so many remakes of Carly Rae Jepsen's hit song "Call Me Maybe"—remember when Justin and Selena lip-synched in their living room to it? Well, this is by far the best cover EVER!

Students at St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia teamed up with Building a Breastfeeding Environment to rewrite the words to this catchy tune. Their version swaps throwing wishes in wells for unbuttoning shirts. There's no flirting here, just feeding.

The video is meant to be playful, but ultimately it shows mothers that people, like these students, stand behind them and their public breastfeeding!

Not gonna lie, the lyrics are super catchy. Watch it, but be warned it will get stuck in your head.


Read More:
Frozen parody is the best school’s closed message ever> Breastfeeding problems solved!> Breastfeeding tips to get you through the night>

This article was originally published on May 30, 2015

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Ashley is a bookstore owner and photographer based in Ottawa, Ontario. She currently works as a photographer for Your Story Creative Co., a freelance social media manager, and a store manager in training at Starbucks.

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