
Grab some tissues! An autistic boy's emotional reaction to Coldplay's "Fix You"

Music moved this boy to tears and this video may do the same to you.

Grab some tissues! An autistic boy's emotional reaction to Coldplay's "Fix You"

While listening to Coldplay's "Fix You," a young boy with autism was moved to tears.

Luis Vazquez and his son attended a Coldplay concert on April 16 in Mexico City. When the band performed their 2005 hit, a song about supporting someone who is struggling in life, both father and son could relate to the lyrics. Their reactions were touching and emotional.

In the video, the little boy sways to the music and then begins to cry. Vazquez wraps his arms around his son and kisses him while Chris Martin's words of comfort surround them.

"Lights will guide you home / And ignite your bones / And I will try to fix you."

Watching the video may cause you to tear up, too. It even caught the attention of the band, who tweeted: "This kind of thing makes it all worthwhile."


Luis Vazquez is a strong advocate for people with autism and never stops having hope for his son. But isn't that every parents' promise? That no matter how big the hurt, they'll always be there to try to fix you. Excuse me while I go dry my eyes.

Read more: Mother moved to tears by touching birthday invitation Totally amazing: This book describes Asperger’s like having superpowers What does it feel like to have autism?

This article was originally published on Apr 27, 2016

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