
GoldieBlox video blasts princess culture

This wonderful ad may make you rethink your toy-buying habits when it comes to your little girl.

GoldieBlox video blasts princess culture

Now here's an awesome video to inspire your little girls (and remind us all to scale back on the pink-princess-pony party that has become a rite of passage for so many little girls).

The clip comes courtesy of GoldieBlox, an innovative toy company that's designed a series of interactive books and games to “disrupt the pink aisle and inspire the future generation of female engineers.”

And it's not your run of the mill toy ad, either. They've riffed on the classic Beastie Boys' jam "Girls" (the track with the playful vibraphone loop that sounds all cartoon-y) and tweaked the lyrics so the song is now an awesome call to arms for little ladies:

Girls, you think you know what we want
Girls, pink and pretty is girls
Just like the '50s it's girls
You like to buy us pink toys
And everything else is for boys

GoldieBlox CEO Debbie Sterling, who studied engineering at Standford where she was one of the few women in her program (the GoldieBlox website says that only 11 percent of the world's engineers are women!), hopes her toys inspire little girls to pass over the princess garb in favour of construction toys “from a female perspective.”


Watch this extraordinary video and the others posted to GoldieBlox's YouTube channel (there's one with Queen's "We Are the Champions" featuring little girls in tutus riding skateboards!).

This article was originally published on Nov 21, 2013

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Jenny Charlesworth is a senior editor for Today's Parent. She's also a doting aunt to three really awesome kids. Follow her on Twitter @thecharlesworth

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