
So, the Pope just encouraged women to openly breastfeed in church

Because Baby Jesus was breastfed, obvi.

So, the Pope just encouraged women to openly breastfeed in church

Photo: AP/Gregorio Borgia

Pope Francis is a cool guy.

He chooses to live in a small room with no luxuries. He rides in a Ford Focus because it's more cost-effective than the Mercedes the Vatican usually uses. He leaves the Vatican at night to help the homeless; he has no qualms with the LGBTQ+ community; he's working to protect the Amazon rainforest. He takes selfies!

But this? This is really cool. The Pope is an advocate for breastfeeding mothers.

At an annual ceremony celebrating the baptism of Jesus in the Sistine Chapel (just, like, one the most sacred places ever), Pope Francis spoke to the families of 28 infants who were slated for baptism. And, as babies do, some of them started to fuss and wail.

First, the Pope joked that the concert had started. Then he said this:


"The babies are crying because they are in an unfamiliar place, or because they had to get up early, or sometimes simply because they hear another child crying. Jesus did the same."

He kidded that he liked to think Jesus' first sermon was when he cried in the stable.

But then, he dropped this: "If your children are crying because they are hungry, then go forth and feed them, just as Mary breastfed Jesus." Yep, he gave moms permission to nurse their babies right there in the chapel.

In previous years, women have reported being "whisked away" by security to the bathroom when they started breastfeeding in various sanctuaries in Vatican City.

This isn't the first time that Pope Francis has advocated for nursing in public, though. Two years ago, at the same ceremony, he encouraged mothers to feel free to breastfeed their tots if they were crying because of hunger.


Pope Francis: Clearly, the dopest Pope ever.

Read more:
10 tips for going back to breastfeeding  10 tips to end a nursing strike I was shamed for breastfeeding in public

This article was originally published on Jan 10, 2017

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Amy is a freelance writer and editor based in Toronto, Ontario. Her work can also be found in publications like Chatelaine, Toronto Life and The Globe and Mail

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