
January Jones is eating her own placenta

It's practised around the world, and now the celebs are doing it! What do you think of this apparently very healthy practice?

By Haley Overland
Photo by CWNY/FameFlynet Pictures

January Jones, 34, didn't miss a beat after giving birth to her son Xander Dane Jones back in September.  “I think I went back to set six or seven weeks after, so he was really little,” she told People Magazine at the Mad Men press junket last week.

“I had the baby and the baby nurse in their own room," she told the mag, "so I could go back and feed him every two hours." She'd also go back for the occasional "squeeze" because she was experiencing "separation issues."

In addition to separation issues, January's biggest concern was exhaustion. And she's sharing her special secret for combating it: PLACENTA! “I have a great doula who makes sure I’m eating well, with vitamins and teas, and with placenta capsulation.”

That's right, PLACENTA! “Your placenta gets dehydrated and made into vitamins,” January explains. “It’s something I was very hesitant about, but we’re the only mammals who don’t ingest our own placentas.” True....

January says she's been ingesting the capsules daily since giving birth, and whenever she feels tired or depressed.  “It’s not witch-crafty or anything!" January says. "I suggest it to all moms!”

Anyone want to give it a try? I'm done having babies, but I'm definitely intrigued...!

xo Haley-O

Source: People Magazine

This article was originally published on Mar 26, 2012

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