
Charlize Theron: Swaddling looks "like a straightjacket"

New mom Charlize Theron is enjoying swaddling baby Jackson

By Haley Overland
Charlize Theron: Swaddling looks "like a straightjacket" Charlize @ The Human Rights Campaign March 17th, 2012. Photo by Juan Rico/FameFlynet Pictures

We just learned that Charlize Theron, 36,  adopted a baby boy, and the Oscar-winning actress is telling us a bit about it. Nice!!

The Snow White and the Huntsman star went on Ryan Seacrest's radio show last Friday, and told him she was blown away by the "amount of emails and congatulations." 

"It's been amazing," she said. “Everyone’s just been so lovely — it’s been really nice.”

So far Charlize says swaddling 4-month-old Jackson has been her best parenting tool, much to her surprise. "I didn't think I would be a fan of the swaddling," she told Ryan. "But the swaddling’s pretty amazing.... It sort of looks a bit like a straitjacket. You’re like, ‘Is this child abuse?’ But for some reason they just love it.”

xo Haley-O


This article was originally published on Mar 19, 2012

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