From lightweight umbrellas to complete systems, there’s something for everyone in the newest baby strollers.
This luxe makeover of an all-terrain classic is available in two fabric options, with hand-stitched leather on the handlebar and grab bar. Features include a five-point adjustable harness, fully reclining seat, retractable leg rest, handlebar brake, front-wheel lock, large canopy, one-hand fold, adjustable handlebar, gear tray and matching diaper bag, change pad and bag clips. Suitable from birth (with carrycot, sold separately) to 55 pounds. Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle Luxury Collection in nautical. Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle Luxury Collection in nautical, $600,
This system comes with a bassinet so you can use it from birth and then transition to the included seat as your baby grows. Features include 10-inch rear wheels, 360-degree-rotating seven-inch front wheels, front and back suspension, multi-position fully reclining and reversible seat, five-point harness, adjustable handle height, large basket, removable flip-open bumper bar, large canopy with wind cover, rain cover and mosquito net. Also comes with diaper bag and change pad. Stroll-Air Cosmos, $500,
This updated classic boasts a new lightweight frame, one-step fold, multiple seat configurations, a bassinet approved for overnight sleeping and a toddler seat. Features include a reclining and reversible seat with five-point adjustable harness, telescoping handlebar, front and rear suspension, large basket, and rain and bug shields. Suitable from birth to 50 pounds. UppaBaby Vista 2015, $925,
At just 14.5 pounds, this compact umbrella stroller is light but sturdy enough for everyday use. Features include a reversible seat with five-point adjustable harness, multiple recline positions, UV-protective sun canopy, foot-release fold, five-inch swivel front wheels and front-wheel lock. Suitable from birth to 55 pounds. Baby Jogger Vue Lite, $180 US,
This stroller's silky canopy is printed with Vincent van Gogh’s Almond Blossom, and the chassis and seat are tailored to match. Features include a reversible seat with multi-position recline, five-point adjustable harness, four-wheel suspension, large sun canopy, telescoping handlebar and basket. Suitable from birth to 37.5 pounds. Bugaboo Bee Complete Van Gogh, $869,
This ultra-compact 11-pound stroller is perfect for zipping around the city or travelling. It can be slung over your shoulder and stands on its own when folded. Features include a hammock-like seat, five-point harness, sun canopy, skate wheels, single-handed unfold and storage pocket. Suitable from six months to 33 pounds. Quinny Yezz, Chassis, $250, Seat, $80,
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