Baby sleep

How to move your baby to the crib without waking him up

Yay! Baby's finally asleep. Now what? Here are four ways you can move him to the crib without interrupting his sleep.

By Today's Parent
Photo: @Luizaioanacimpean via Instagram Photo: @Luizaioanacimpean via Instagram

It’s impossible to spoil a newborn. All that time spent cuddling him while he naps helps with bonding and fosters development. But when you need a break, try these tricks to move him to his crib without waking him up.   

1. Create ideal conditions If you think he might nod off soon, make sure he’s dressed for (sleep) success by putting him, freshly changed, in a sleep sack. Try pre-warming the bassinet with a hot water bottle—after all, you’re much cozier than a cold crib.

2. Watch the eyes If his eyes are darting under his lids, he’s in the REM stage. Wait until his muscles are relaxed and he’s breathing deeply. Then administer the floppy-arm test: Lift up his arm and drop it. If he doesn’t stir, you’re good to go.

3. Keep in contact As you ever-so-gently lay him in his crib, keep one hand on his back and the other on his tummy. That continued pressure will ease the transition. If he startles, try patting his belly for a few minutes before you slink away.

4. Try again If he startles awake as soon as you even think about moving, wait a few more minutes. (He might not have been in a deep enough sleep.) For these daytime snoozes, it’s always a good idea to have your phone or a magazine nearby in case you are stuck there for the long haul. You can attempt the lap-to-crib transfer again tomorrow (or maybe the day after). Remember, just because he won’t sleep by himself today doesn’t mean he’ll always need to sleep in your arms. This might be a phase.


Read more: Should you let your baby nap on the go 5 ways to maximize naptime Newborn sleep: What you need to know

This article was originally published on Mar 21, 2017

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