
Does my baby need formula with omega-3s?

We asked the expert whether having omega-3s in formula is beneficial to your baby's development.

By Deborah O'Connor, Nutritional Sciences Professor, University of Toronto
Does my baby need formula with omega-3s?

Photo: jaqy/iStockphoto

Q: We have a seven-month-old and while we know breastfeeding is recommended, we’re having to supplement with formula for the first time. I’m overwhelmed by all the different kinds. Some are omega-3-added, and some aren’t. Do we need it?

A: Omega-3s are fatty acids found in human milk, and they’re now added to many infant formulas — regular cow milk-based formulas and specialty formulas. Some studies show that for healthy full-term infants, omega-3s may promote better visual and cognitive development, at least in the short term. But the best advice is to discuss formula choices with a paediatrician or family doctor.

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This article was originally published on Jul 09, 2012

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