Baby by month

Your Baby: 9 Weeks Old

Your baby is 2 months old! First shots, “mental leaps” and the sense that you’ve come a long way from labour and delivery. All about life with a 9-week-old.

By Today's Parent
Your Baby: 9 Weeks Old

Photography by Nicole Duplantis/Clothing provided by babyGap and Joe Fresh

 The two-month milestone is a big one! Baby’s first shots, another “mental leap,” and the sense that you’ve come a long way from labour and delivery. While you’re agonizing over upcoming immunizations, baby’s mind is on other things, from recognizing the patterns of their little lives to learning to self-soothe to even—yawn—getting bored. With a couple of months under your belt, you may also be heading into a stage of more confident parenting, including getting out more. Or are you just—another yawn—getting a little bored yourself? It’s a week for milestones and honest reflection about this mamahood and mat-leave business.

Nine-week-old development & milestones

Head and shoulders

Babies develop at their own pace, so milestones aren’t must-haves but rather ideas of what baby may be capable of now—or soon. Talk to your baby’s doctor at their two-month appointment if you’re worried about any lagging development, but be assured that there’s a wide range of normal. At this age, you may see your baby lifting their head in response to stimulation or raising their shoulders during tummy time, adding to their growing mobility. They can also recognize your face and be comforted by your touch. The Nipissing checklist of milestones for the first two months is a good one.

Little baby newborn on bright airy background on the bed with a toy duck morning Oleksandra Troian / Getty Images

Baby games for 2-month-olds

There are many activities that baby enjoys now, including babbling in conversation with you and playing with mirrors, mobiles and toys they can kick, hit and grab. While lots of babies still don’t like tummy time at this age, yours might be starting to get into it. High-contrast imagery can really help baby focus before their vision is fully developed. They also still like to be held close enough to gaze at your face and now begin to reach out to touch your eyes, mouth and nose (ow!). If they’re grabby (and still scratching themselves), it’s a good reminder to keep their little talons short.

Baby girl lying on playmat at home Cavan Images / Getty Images

The mental leap

Your baby is starting to recognize patterns in the world around them using all of their senses and figuring out how their arms and legs can (sometimes) respond to commands. But it takes lots of practice and work, and you’ll find babies engrossed in their own body and movements as they take their second mental leap, as described by The Wonder Weeks here.

Smiling African mom holding baby SeventyFour / Getty Images

Not too early for teething

It’s rare, but some babies can start teething as young as two months—just when you were starting to figure out those night-time woes. For most, the first tooth won’t appear before six months of age, but you may start to notice more drooling in the weeks ahead as baby gets ready for chompers. What does this mean for sleep? Nothing good, right? Some babies sail through teething without much trouble, while others will have you crying along with them as you try every recommended remedy.


Schedule for a 2-month-old

Baby’s leap of development may mean that routines and schedules take a rough turn at two months as they fight to stay alert to all the cool things going on in their world. Stick to a routine for baby’s naptimes and night-time—whether it’s storytime, a relaxing infant massage or a bath—to signal to them that it’s time to get some shut-eye and let mama escape to pee, eat, drink, scroll or sleep. Keep any stimulus to a minimum when your baby’s getting drowsy and watch for signs of tiredness so you can wind them down for a nap before they get overtired.

mother reading to baby Wavebreakmedia / Getty Images

Two-month check-up

Perhaps the most exciting (and slightly scary) milestones this month are baby’s first shots and two-month check-up, where the doctor will be looking to see how baby is eating, sleeping, growing and developing. Many moms swear by sugar water to ease baby’s pain during vaccinations, while others find that nursing during the needle can help soothe and distract baby. In addition to weighing and measuring, the doctor will check that baby’s hip joints are not unusually loose, a condition known as hip dysplasia.

Baby Getting a Vaccine FatCamera / Getty Images

Your life after baby

Cold medicine while breastfeeding?

If you’re not exhausted enough, suffering from a cold while raising an infant can sap your will to live. But there is some good news: A lot of medications that you couldn’t take while pregnant are compatible with breastfeeding.

A lonely road

While your mat leave may feel like a dream vacation from work in the company of a bundle of love, even those enjoying new motherhood can find it isolating. And woe to mamas who are far from family and close friends. Leah McLaren writes about the excruciating loneliness of being a new mother.

Young woman pouring cough syrup dragana991 / Getty Images

Stuff no one tells you

How to treat baby’s cold

If you’ve got a cold, your baby will catch it, too, and vice versa. While a stuffy nose makes it hard for a baby to nurse and may wreak havoc on sleep, the snot sucker—excuse me, nasal aspirator—is a gift from the gods of mucus. Read more on how to deal with baby’s first cold and how to become an expert snot sucker yourself.


Flat head syndrome

By about two months, you may notice that your baby’s head is flatter on one side—typically at the back, given our generation of back-to-sleep babies. It’s fairly common—as many as half of Canadian babies have at least mild flatness. Babies may also develop bald spots where their heads rub against their beds and car seats. While a mild case of flat head syndrome will often resolve on its own as baby gets more mobile, there are ways to prevent and treat the problem.

mother using baby nasal aspirator mucus nose suction Tutye / Getty Images

Just for fun- Genius baby products

Snot suckers, milk savers, blowout blockers, oh my! Check out these absolutely genius baby inventions that will save the day.

Milkies Milk Saver

“I was too exhausted to pump but didn’t need to because the “milk savers” caught all the milk I leaked while nursing and I was able to save up enough for so, so many bottles…lifesaver!” – Naureen M.A.


Your Baby: 9 Weeks Old

Blowout Blocker

These things have saved my baby’s outfits SO many times! No stains and no need to change his outfit! They’re easy to clean and rarely stain.” – Sara C.S.


$15 USD each,

babies wearing the blowout blocker above their diapers in multiple colours

Keekaroo Peanut Changer

“Wipes clean no matter how much puke or poop—Keekaroo Peanut Changer> never stains!” (Also check out the lower-cost Bumbo version.) – Fran W.


Peanut baby changer

Doddle and Co. The Pop Pacifier

“It’s the only pacifier that my baby will take! She LOVES it and it has been a lifesaver living with a dog. (It “pops” back into its protective bubble when it drops.)” – Talia W.


genius baby products - Doddle and Co. The Pop Pacifier in pink

Nasal Aspirator

“The Hydrasense snot sucker! I’m sure the babies thought their brains were getting sucked out but boy did it help clear their little noses.” (This is meant to be used with saline nasal drops. Also check out the Nose Frida.) – Candice W.


Your Baby: 9 Weeks Old

Puj Infant Tub

“Especially useful with my first when I was in a small condo. Puj turns any sink into a bathtub, and cradles the baby as if she was being held. It’s mildew resistant and so easy to clean. Plus stores completely flat and takes up almost no space. When not in use we kept it against our shower wall with suction hooks. There’s a reason Ellen featured it on her show!” – Linda S.


Your Baby: 9 Weeks Old

The Owlet Smart Sock 2 Baby Monitor

This product has given me so much peace of mind! I don’t need to get up multiple times to see if my little one is still breathing I can just check my phone!” – Chantale M.



Your Baby: 9 Weeks Old

Kiinde Breastfeeding Starter Kit

“The [Kiinde] bags screw right on to almost all breast pumps. You can pump directly into the bag, put a cap on, store in fridge/freezer, pop the lid off and stick a nipple on top and feed directly from the bag! It eliminates washing extra parts and transferring from a bottle to storage bag, limiting chances of spilling precious milk.” – Karen P.


Kiinde breastfeeding starter kit

Boogie Wipes

Saves little runny noses from getting raw and cracked.” – Karen P.


Boogie Wipes

Peapod Mats

I was given a Peapod Mat when I was pregnant and it was the most useful gift I never knew I needed. So great for the messy days immediately postpartum (I slept on a rotation of two for weeks), protecting your sheets when baby’s in bed with you, naked baby time anywhere in the house, protecting furniture if you don’t want to buy a change table (we have one permanently on a futon in the baby’s room), and it will be great for potty-training. So worth the investment.” – Yvonne H.

$50, amazon

Peapod Mats in every colour

My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow

My Brest Friend is the best nursing pillow, hands down. Especially for larger women, or women with larger breasts. I work in labour and delivery and I am always recommending this. The strap around the back keeps it from popping off like the half-ring ones do. It’s FLAT and goes out far enough for a large-chested woman to feed comfortably with the baby ON the pillow.” – Julia L.

$60, amazon

Grey My Brest Friend nursing pillow

Sock ons

OMG they’re like little saddles for baby’s socks. Keeps socks on all day! I buy them for everyone as gifts now. A total lifesaver.” – Melanie T


sock ons for baby in blue


“We loved the WubbaNub! But it wasn’t useful till about 6 months. Then, it was the best product ever!” – Nicole Y.


Wubbanub purple monster pacifier holder

Healthy Planet Solutions Reusable Food Pouches (or similar brands)

“I really love these reusable pouches for pureed snacks. Easy to clean and so much more environmentally friendly!” – Julia F.

$9 each,

Healthy Planet reusable food pouches

OXO Tot Bib (or similar brands)

I love my silicone tray bib. It wipes clean with a baby wipe, it’s waterproof and it stays in the stroller so it’s always with us.” –Katie L.


Oxo yellow bib

Oogiebear Infant Nose and Ear Cleaner

I have all of the snot suckers which are great, but when there’s a crusty boogie beyond your reach in a tiny nostril… This has like a tiny lasso to grab and pull it out, and a little scoop to catch wax out of their ear canal. It has a bear shaped ball on each end to keep you from cramming either end too far into baby’s ear or nose.” – Amy V.


$18, amazon

oogiebear nose and ear cleaner for baby

NumNum GOOtensils

Even wee babes can feed themselves! Especially handy when it’s not baby #1!” – Michele C.


Numnum GooTensils in orange and blue

Milk Snob Cover

It’s a scarf-style nursing cover that doubles as a carseat/stroller cover. Ideal to shelter baby from wind/dust and noise: instant cocoon. I loved it!” – Sonja R.


Your Baby: 9 Weeks Old

Medela Quick Clean Bags

“You just pop these sterilizing bags in the microwave—a huge lifesaver for cleaning bottles and pump parts!” –Laura R.


Medela quick clean bags

Mally bibs

“A leather bib! It’s amazing—wipes clean and immediately dry, magnets snap it shut for putting it on and taking it off easily AND it hangs on the fridge! ONE bib forever! And they have the cutest and customizable designs! ” – Jen L. 


Orange and blue Mally Bib for baby

Lollaland Welcome Baby Kit

This set comes complete with acute cactus fruit feeder teether, perfect for little ones to start introducing solids. It also comes with Lollaland's beloved Panda Sippy and our must have, space saving, incredibly versatile drying rack.



Lollaland Welcome Baby Kit

GroVia Magic Stick Diaper Balm

“With this diaper stick you don’t have to touch baby’s bum to apply cream.” – Jodi S.S.


Grovia magic stick simply magical diaper balm

Indestructibles Books

After someone gifted me one, I now give one to every new mom. Babies love them and they are lightweight and easy to carry as a toy on the go. Plus it gets babies into books at such an early age. Love them!” – Janis P.G.


indestructible Baby Faces book for babies

Zoli Chubby Gummy massaging teethers

“These are the best for when baby is cutting molars.” – Teri S.J.


Zoli teether sticks

ChooMe Sip’n

“It’s a (smooth, chewy) top that goes on food pouches so that baby has to bite to get food out. Prevents spills and lets them eat on their own.” – Tanya S.


ChooMee sip'n caps for food pouches

Bellyfit Jacket Extender

“So necessary for getting out with the little ones on cold winter days.” – Kristina M.


Your Baby: 9 Weeks Old

The breastfeeding struggle is real

Is it all coming together with breastfeeding yet? Are you still leaking at the worst possible time and avoiding your breast pump like the plague? Are you ready for baby’s first bite of the boob? You’re not alone.

Read more: Your baby: 10 weeks old The best way to wear a baby carrier

Woman Holding Breast Pump Bottle Emilija Manevska / Getty Images
This article was originally published on Oct 01, 2018

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