Peter Gros

Peter Gros

Peter Gros is a veteran wildlife expert. As the co-host of Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom Protecting the Wild, Peter Gros shares his love of wildlife and wilderness with audiences throughout the country. Gros joined the original Wild Kingdom team in 1985 and has nearly 30 years of field experience with captive wildlife, establishing breeding programs for endangered animals and rehabilitation programs for birds of prey. He is a USDA licensed Exhibition Exhibitor and Animal Educator, and an active member of the American Zoo and Aquariums Association, Association of Wildlife Educators and Zoological Association of America. Gros is also on the Board of Directors of the Suisun Marsh Natural History Association and a trustee for the Cheetah Conservation Fund. He is a frequent lecturer on conservation and preservation around the United States and Canada. His mission is to excite people about wildlife and teach them to understand and care about the natural world.

Latest from Peter Gros

5 Fun Tips for Teaching Kids about Wildlife Conservation

5 Fun Tips for Teaching Kids about Wildlife Conservation

Expert shares fun activities easily turned into educational moments to continue the efforts of protecting our wildlife.
4 minutes