Noelle Martin, MScFN, RD

Noelle Martin, MScFN, RD

Noelle Martin is a Registered Dietitian with a Master of Science in Foods and Nutrition. She is a mom of three active boys. Noelle has a passion for educating and inspiring others in areas related to nutrition and overall health. She specializes in areas of maternal and pediatric nutrition, sports nutrition and food allergies/intolerances. In 2019 Noelle released a cookbook for kids entitled Superfoods and Super Kids Cookbook. Noelle is the founder and president of Motherhood and Meals Inc. 

Latest from Noelle Martin, MScFN, RD

Your Kid's Gut Health Could Impact Their Mental Health
Kids health

Your Kid's Gut Health Could Impact Their Mental Health

Kids really are what they eat! Learn about the gut-brain connection and its effect on your child’s mood and well-being.
5 minutes