
RECALL: Western Family brand Pomeberry Blend berries

Western Family brand Pomeberry Blend berries may contain Hepatitis A.

By Today's Parent staff
RECALL: Western Family brand Pomeberry Blend berries

As reported by The British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC), Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Overwaitea Food Group, Western Family brand Pomeberry Blend berries may contain Hepatitis A.

This product has been distributed in British Columbia (through Save-On-Foods and Overwaitea), Ontario and Alberta, and possibly to other provinces.

BCCDC says that if you have eaten uncooked Western Family's Pomeberry Blend frozen berries in the last two weeks, and have not already had two doses of the vaccine or been exposed to the virus itself, you are eligible for a Hepatitis A vaccine. 

For information on how to get a Hepatitis A shot, contact your local public health care service and/or your family doctor.

If you have this product in your fridge or freezer, and it was purchased anytime after November 2011, throw it out. Overwaitea Food Group (the product's distributor) is recalling it from stores.


This article was originally published on Apr 13, 2012

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