Little Kids

How to make a chevron cake

Grab some Twizzlers and let the cake decorating fun begin.

How to make a chevron cake

Photo: Roberto Caruso, Toppers: Rayna Schwartz

Before you break out the Twizzlers, you need to prime your cake. Spread a thin layer of frosting to seal in the crumbs—the pros call this a “crumb coat.” Let the icing harden for 30 minutes in the fridge. Add a topcoat and you’re good to go.

1. For a graphic pattern, slice rainbow-coloured Twizzlers into small, equal pieces, making a diagonal cut on the ends (they should look like penne pasta).

2. Place the pieces on the sides of the cake so they form a chevron pattern.

3. Cut Twizzlers crosswise to make cute polka dots.

A version of this article appeared in our April 2016 issue with the headline "Piece of cake", p. 51. 



Read more: 10 super-easy cake decorating ideas
23 easy DIY cake toppers Easy buttercream recipe

This article was originally published on Apr 03, 2016

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