
Baby food recall

By Lisa
Baby food recall

Heinz Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency are warning parents not to feed their babies Heinz Mixed Cereal Stage 2 (from six months) in the 227-gram package as it may contain elevated levels of  Ochratoxin A, a toxin produced by fungi that can grow in crops such as grains and grapes. It is a possible cancer-causing substance.

Here's what to look for on the package:
227 g
UPC: 0 57000 02516 8
BB/MA 10 DE 26 and
BB/MA 10 DE 29

It's inevitable that this recall will spark the processed foods versus homemade foods debate. I was just reading some of the comments left by readers on a couple of the national media websites and there are unfair accusations being made, including people suggesting that moms and dads who don't take the time and energy to make their child's meals themselves are not good parents.

It's too bad that these kinds of recalls bring out the judgemental folks. I'd love to be able to make all of Addy's meals from scratch, but that's just not realistic. She definitely gets fresh, homecooked food, but sometimes we also have to rely on the conveniences of Chef Boyardee, Kraft Dinner and precooked chicken nuggets (she loves those) because we simply don't always have the time to get everything prepared when we're home from work at 7 p.m.

Regardless of whether or not you think it's okay for kids to have pasta-shapes-in-a-can or fast-food burgers and fries once in a while (like I do), it's strange that these kinds of judgements always seem to surface when food recalls are announced.


This article was originally published on Sep 18, 2011

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