Family life

A kid-free vacation

Everyone's happy about Tracy's adults-only holiday. Even her kids.

By Tracy Chappell
Photo: cdwheatley/iStockphoto

Photo: cdwheatley/iStockphoto

I know some parents wouldn’t dream of going on a holiday without their kids. I’m not one of them. In fact, as part of my 14 things to do before I’m 40 bucket list, my husband and I (and 12 of our favourite peeps) are flying away for a long, leisurely weekend in the sunshine. I couldn’t be more excited.
My kids couldn’t be more excited either. They get to spend the weekend with two of their favourite peeps (Grandma and Grandpa). It’s like a holiday for them, too, since they’re showered with love and attention, get to stay up late and be spoiled with homemade milkshakes, my mom’s extra-buttery popcorn for movie night and, for sure, a trip to McDonald’s.
The last time Sean and I went away without them was when friends of ours got married in the Dominican Republic. Avery was only about 15 months old and it was hard to leave her (Anna was almost four, and couldn’t wait to push us out the door). We had an amazing, relaxing time, but I will never (ever!) forget Avery’s reaction when we returned. I walked in the door and they were all at the dinner table. Anna jumped into our arms to welcome us (they had made a “Welcome Home Mommy and Daddy” sign, too). Avery was sitting on my mom’s lap and she just stared at me with these big eyes, like she didn’t have any idea who I was. It shocked me to tears. I tried to pick her up and she turned away to cuddle into my mom and would have nothing to do with me. Pure heartbreak. But it was three long years ago, and I’m over it!
She is too. When I asked her if she was going to miss us while we were away, she paused and said, “I don’t think so. Maybe a little bit.” I admit, I feel the same. The knowledge that in about 24 hours I’ll be in a different country, in the sunshine, having adult drinks and conversations with a fun group of people and no one to look after but myself feels pretty amazing.
I better get packing!
How often do you get away without your kids, or do you? Since our comments are turned off, tweet me @T_Chappell.

This article was originally published on May 16, 2013

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